Toy Boat 2 is the Ocean Skiff Journal/Beyond The Breakwater project boat. Over the years it has been the platform for a number of equipment tests and boat improvement projects. Our goal: to make a small boat “fish big”. This portfolio show what we had installed on TB2 at first launch. For background info, see our previous post “Search for Toy Boat 2”.
Of course, things have changed over time. After 15+ years, we’re added a number of new things, and we’re currently on our fourth sonar unit, our second GPS mapping unit, and our second motor. We’ve also had a bunch of minor (and some not-so-minor) repairs along the way.
Keep an eye out for our state-of-the-boat posts, and our SLAGIATT posts (Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time). SLAGIATT posts are an analysis of something that we did that went wrong (or sideways). We hope that sharing these things will inspire you to try something new on your boat, or help you avoid falling into some of the same traps we fell into.
Toy Boat 2, circa July 2001

Note the classic 2-stroke & stern mount electric motor
Installed Equipment
Battery Charger
To keep our three batteries in tip-top shape, we added a Guest 2632 on-board battery [...]
Battery Switch
A battery switch to control power to the boat is considered a "must have" on any [...]
Gunnel Rod Holders
Our Edgewater 175CC came with two gunnel rod holders, one in each corner of [...]
Gaff Holders
Gaffs and nets are a necessary part of offshore fishing, but can be a [...]